MY Vision & Mission  

My VISION is a world of understanding, respect and trust, where people are compassionate, gentle and kind to themselves, others and the planet – making it possible for ALL OF US to follow our own path and live a purposeful and fulfilling life. This is a world of diversity, inclusion and equity.

I would like to contribute my small part to this great vision.

My MISSION is to guide people to more self-awareness and self-confidence and to encourage them to live a happy and meaningful life; a life on their own terms. I support my clients to believe in themselves and reconnect with their intuition to become clear of what they really want . In an a fast-paced modern world, I help them to live mindfully, consciously and gently.

My commitment to Equity, Diversity and Inclusion

I welcome people of all social and ethnic backgrounds, gender identities, sexual orientations, religions, ages and physical abilities to my coachings and workshops.

I value diversity and see the differences of all people as a great opportunity for our society.  At the same time, I am convinced that we humans have much more in common through which we can connect.

The relationships with my clients are characterized by mutual respect, openness, sincerity and trust.

I acknowledge that my work has been influenced by my own experiences, namely that of a white, cis-gendered, able-bodied woman and that my experiences will be very different from those of someone with a marginalized identity.

That is why I am committed to the work that is necessary to unpack privileges and become more aware and inclusive in order to hold a safe space for all.

This learning never stops, and I know that I will make mistakes along the way, so I welcome feedback on how I can do things better. There will always be ways to do better as I continue to learn.

Photo Credit: Delila Ziebart